Not fair!
It's one of Bart's catch-phrases.
That and 'Kill the English'. (We suspect, and hope, that he got that from
Age of Empires II)
Tonight Bart asked me about daylight savings. I explained to him that it was just about setting the clocks forward an hour and then setting it back in March next year.
He didn't like that answer. He didn't want to hear about clocks, or time.
That didn't leave me with much to tell him, which made him even more frustrated. And angry.
He started whining and jumping up and down. And before you knew it, a tantrum had erupted.
And the mouth went into overdrive, criticising everyone and dragging up past indescretions.
Apparently, it's not fair that I don't understand his question. And it's not fair that I don't know the answer. And it's not fair that I didn't say sorry to him a few days ago when I asked him not to kick the ball around outside while I was mowing the lawn.
And it's probably not fair that I'm publishing his antics on the internet.
But one day son, you'll understand.
Calm down. Take a chill pill. Life wasn't meant to be easy. Just cop it sweet, and get on with it. Life's too short.
(Better stop now before I get philosophical, or run out of cliches...)