Doh! DOH!! Hmm... Doh-nuts... and Energy Swords

"The Diary of a Dad" by Homer
A chronicle of the Doh!s and Woohoo!s during my life journey with Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
Aussie Malaysian Family. Get yours at
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Sunday, April 29, 2007

CeBIT 2007 - feeding the inner geek

How geeky is this?
I'm taking leave on Tuesday to attend the CeBIT exhibition in Sydney. (No - I'm not chucking a sickie!)
It isn't directly related to my current role, so I couldn't expect my boss to foot the bill.
But I've always wanted to go to one of these. And see what's shaking up other areas of IT.
Particularly the exhibits for Open Source and VOIP. Both have been tech buzzwords for quite a while, and it will be interesting to see how they're marketed to business.

Other must sees:

  • Have to pay a visit to the MyNetFone gang, who (along with the Whirlpool forums) introduced me to the wonderful el cheapo world of VOIP phone calls. (Shameless plug - but they deserve it)
  • The WalletFlash products look pretty cool. I'm a sucker for anything USB. Especially a creditcard thin USB drive and MP3 player for my wallet!
    (Shameful plug - in the hope that they'll let me review their product)
    How about we use this technology in the Access Card? Then it replaces 17 health and social services cards AND your iPod :)
  • The BloggerZone. They'll have an area set aside just for bloggers. Perhaps I'll do some Jack Bauer 'The following takes place between 10am and 11am' posts.

Stay tuned...


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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Did I mention that "I'll be back"?

This blog has been sadly neglected over the last 4 months. (or 7, if you don't count the obligatory Christmas post)
I'm not sure what happened.
I remember that at one stage, I just had too much stuff I wanted to blog about. And I left it for a little while, so that the ideas could settle. But then life intervened. And a little while stretched... a while. And my days of blogging began to fade from memory.
Until last week.
I can't remember what Lisa and Maggie did. But it was funny. But only funny after Marge and I put them to bed and retired to our own room. Because before that, things were much more serious. We had to warn our twin tornadoes "not to do it again", and I think I had to use my angry voice. (BTW - the angry voice quickly loses credibility when you start to giggle midway. Hopefully my brilliantly disguised laugh-cough did the trick)
Anyway, Marge suggested that I should write about the girls' antics in my blog.
"My blog? I have a blog??"
And the clouds parted. And the sun shone through. And the turtle dove returned with an olive branch.
So here I am. Back with a vengeance. If only I could remember what my girls did that was so blogworthy.