Doh! DOH!! Hmm... Doh-nuts... and Energy Swords

"The Diary of a Dad" by Homer
A chronicle of the Doh!s and Woohoo!s during my life journey with Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Brain Age: Start Addictions in Minutes a Day

Confession time:
My mum's been staying with us for a week.
During that time, I think I've turned my Mum into a Nintendo DS addict.

I introduced her to the Brain Age game a few nights ago.
She got pretty peeved (as we all did on our first attempt) when the chunky faced professor told her that she had the brain of an 80 year old. I haven't seen her so fired up! Especially yelling into the microphone: "Blue. Blue! Buh-lue! BLOOOOOOOOEEEE!!!"
On that first night, she played for almost an hour.
And then when I offered her another hit, an hour the following day.
And last night, it was Mum who approached me and asked me for the DS. And she played it till the batteries ran dead.

I may need to buy her one.

In other DS related news, this is what the family's been playing:
Homer - Mario Hoops 3 on 3 (US Import)
Marge - The mini-games on New Super Mario. But only vs me or Bart.
Bart - Not much. But Lego Star Wars II is waiting for him after he finishes his homework.
Lisa - Nintendogs. With the Corgi named Elmo.
Maggie - Are you kidding? I'm not letting her near the DS. Not after she snapped her Wiggles DVD in two with her bare hands. I kid you not.



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