You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
Marge is a bit concerned about the way I'm portraying the kids in this blog, especially Bart.
The fact is, they are very well mannered, very well behaved most of the time.
And for that, we are very blessed.
We often get feedback from other people, commenting how wonderful and adorable our kids are.
So to balance things out:
The fact is, they are very well mannered, very well behaved most of the time.
And for that, we are very blessed.
We often get feedback from other people, commenting how wonderful and adorable our kids are.
So to balance things out:
- Bart is generally very helpful. He'll help look after Maggie while Marge is in the kitchen, or out hanging the washing. He is doing very well at school, consistently getting excellent grades - especially in Maths.
- Lisa is becoming quite independent now. She can feed herself, put on her pants and socks and shoes. She cares very much for her dolls, especially Po - the teletubby. Whenever Po is on the floor, it's not uncommon to see Lisa grab a blanket to cover her. She also plays well with Maggie, helping her to walk.
- Maggie is a bundle of joy. She'll smile and laugh back at you. She's starting to get into a regular sleeping routine - no longer fighting to stay awake the longest.
So yes, they have their moments of anarchy - especially when they're tired.
But they really are the best kids. And we thank God for them every day.
totally smashing Homer ... really enjoy reading our blog. and hear it from us - I tink your kids are fantastic and really perfect gifts from God (despite your erm, colourful depictions)
you should try pitching it as a syndicated column in a newspaper -- someone might actually BUY IT. Or a book! We bought a book called "My life as a father" b by some Aussie journalist who wanted to be an academic (he couldn't hack being the latter, so he tried the former; I guess I'm slightly better in that department :)
MINH, at 6:40 am
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