Saturday, January 28, 2006

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Brushing away the cobwebs...
This blog has truly been neglected.
We've just been so busy lately.
In the meantime, I'll post some photos of our recent trip to Singapore and Malaysia...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Reality check

He later found out that when he had the chest pains, he was actually suffering a heart attack.
Pretty scary. Especially when this guy does more exercise and eats more salad than anyone else I know. And he's only 25 years old!
And here I am, eating fast food lunches 4 times a week - thinking that I'm blessed to have a ridiculously fast metabolism.
People must look at me in disgust. Not just because I stuff my face with junk at my workstation and litter my desk with crumbs. But because they see all the fat going in, yet my weight barely reaches 60kg.
For some people, eating a donut is a major life event. Each morning tea sees them calculating the amount of exercise required to burn off the calories. Me? I could chow down a box of Crispy Cremes without a second thought. My clothes will still fit me in 10 years time.
I used to think that was a cool thing. Like a nerd super power. Not anymore.
If anything, it masks what's happening inside. At least with the expanding waistline, it gives the owner a visual cue to slow down.
New Year's Resolution: Eat less rubbish.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thursday, January 05, 2006
Maggie's Hat Trick

She's learned to crawl out of and off the bed by herself, even in the middle of a nappy change. Grrrrrrr!
(Of course I'm still talking about OUR bed. Unfortunately the euphoria around her sleeping in her own cot was shortlived.)
She's also developed a unique laugh, which sounds more like a high pitched chuckle.
Today marked another milestone in Maggie's exciting life.
She managed to score a hat trick of mis-haps.
- The first occurred while Marge took the kids shopping at Westfield Woden. As Marge wheeled Maggie's stroller out of Big W, she noticed something different about Maggie. Our baby's shirt and the sides of the stroller were soaked in vomit. Maggie was still smiling, so it musn't have been too uncomfortable for her.
- The second - in the evening, after I got home from work. We heard a thud from the kid's computer table, followed by Maggie's unmistakable roar of pain. We rushed over and found Maggie crying face down on the carpet. She must have climbed onto the table again. These days, she loves to climb. Thankfully, it was only a 1 foot drop. Lisa was actually laughing at Maggie's misfortune, until she saw our panic when we realised that blood was trickling down the side of Maggie's mouth. We quickly checked her mouth. Her teeth seemed OK. We traced the blood to a cut on her top lip. It's a bit swollen now, but she's fine.
- And the third. While Marge and I were winding down, after putting the kids to sleep. Another loud thud - this time from our room. We didn't even have time to roll our eyes and give each other the 'Not again' look. We rushed in and found Maggie on the floor sitting upright against Marge's bedside table! She stopped crying pretty quickly - she's had worse. Thank God she didn't roll off my side of the bed. She would have hit a minefield of junk.
I'm so glad Maggie's sleeping soundly now. After a day like today, she deserves it.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
My kids (as seen through the Canon S2 IS)
Never before have I been able to take portrait shots like these.
I was so impressed with these shots that I had them enlarged and framed.
(You can find larger versions via the Flickr badge or just visit my Flickr site)
This camera has transformed me overnight from an 'if-it-moves-we-can-shoot-it fully-auto camera-wielding wannabe' to an 'if-the-light-and aperture-and-shutterspeed-align-we-can-shoot-it wannabe photographer'!