Doh! DOH!! Hmm... Doh-nuts... and Energy Swords

"The Diary of a Dad" by Homer
A chronicle of the Doh!s and Woohoo!s during my life journey with Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas everyone!

And don't forget the reason for the season! :)

This was our first Christmas without the Christmas tree.
A sad reflection of the age that we live in - or more accurately: the age of Lisa and Maggie.

This year we had decided to put up the Christmas tree early, mainly due to Bart being bored and wanting something to do. He did an impressive job with the decorations. Compared with last year's effort, this time there was a good distribution of tinsel, bows and baubles.
That was the first weekend in December.

I was at work when Cyclone Lisa and Hurricane Maggie hit the next day.
The girls managed to strip the tree bare. The decorations were strewn all over the lounge room floor. When Bart got home from school and saw the carnage, he was visibly upset but persevered with the task of rebuilding his masterpiece.
Piece by piece. Tinsel ribbon by tinsel ribbon. Until it was perfect again.
He reconstructed it so well that I wouldn't have known what transpired if Marge didn't tell me.

The next day, the girls struck again.
The resulting devastation made their last strike look like a dress rehearsal.
I can imagine them giggling as they tore tinsel shreds and gutted the foam from the hanging decorations. If we had angel decorations, I'm sure the girls would have plucked their wings!

So Bart gave up.
And so did Marge and I - in fear of what our sweet little Lisa and Maggie were planning next.
So the tree was packed away 3 weeks before Christmas.

To this day, we're still finding tinsel strands throughout every room in the house. In the cupboards. I even had a piece flutter down when I was in the shower!