Doh! DOH!! Hmm... Doh-nuts... and Energy Swords

"The Diary of a Dad" by Homer
A chronicle of the Doh!s and Woohoo!s during my life journey with Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Before the beginning?

Bart and I began a theological discussion last night, over dinner.
It didn't get very far. I couldn't even get past his first question.

Bart: "Dad, I know that God created everything. But how did God exist in the beginning?"
Homer: (thinks Doh! Doh! Doh!): "He just did, son"
Bart: "Yeah, but HOW?"
Homer: (silence) "Hey, what else did you learn in school today?!"

He told me that he also asked his teacher and she said that she didn't know.
Not only that, but she reckoned that no-one in the entire school knew the answer.
That has got to be THE understatement of the year.

I try not to think too much about such things. It just makes my brain hurt.
I'm hoping that God will give us all the answers after the game. *
Maybe with a play-by play commentary of everything that's happened in the history of everything. *

And then we'll probably all go "Ahhhhhh...  Why didn't I think of that before?"
or "So that's what really happened to the dinosaurs..."
or "Wow, that's all we had to do to cure cancer?!"
or "Man, if only I had known my Nintendo DS could be modded to solve the world's energy crisis"

(* Yeah, I know these statements probably aren't biblically sound. But are they biblically unsound?)


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