Doh! DOH!! Hmm... Doh-nuts... and Energy Swords

"The Diary of a Dad" by Homer
A chronicle of the Doh!s and Woohoo!s during my life journey with Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
Aussie Malaysian Family. Get yours at
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Thursday, March 30, 2006

To evict Homer. SMS: 1-800-HOMER

No wonder I've received so little feedback lately.
I just found out that my settings for Comments were restricted to Registered Blogger users only.

Well we can't have that.
Especially after my last mildly gross post.
(FYI - I almost deleted it. But self censorship just feels weird)

Please feel free to leave a comment or three.
Prove to me that it's not just Marge hitting refresh on the browser to boost my hit counter!
Is anybody out there?
Sometimes I just feel so ronery.


  • Cuz!?
    Is it really you?
    My long lost cuz Allegeria?
    I thought you were still in Vegas? ;P

    Thanks for dropping by.
    Every day, huh? Hmmm... I better lift my game.

    Hey, I was in a rush to get to work that morning!
    And you don't need to remind me about painful. Homer now subconsciously does triple checks in the morning.

    By Blogger Homer K, at 8:13 am  

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