Doh! DOH!! Hmm... Doh-nuts... and Energy Swords

"The Diary of a Dad" by Homer
A chronicle of the Doh!s and Woohoo!s during my life journey with Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Australian Crydol

Maggie's cry is quite distinctive.
It starts off as a gargle and then transforms into a very throaty growl before reaching a crescendo as a yell.
I used to be concerned that she might hurt her throat, especially during sustained crying sessions. And if you get really close to her, I swear that you can feel the vibrations. There is so much bass in it. She's like a pocket subwoofer!
Over time though, I've become quite impressed. It's not a very easy cry to deliver. In fact, I think that other babies play it too safe in their cry selections. I applaud Maggie for her courage in choosing a cry that shows Australia who really she is. Again, it's a very difficult cry to perform day after day, night after night. So if you want to hear Maggie cry again next week, all you have to do is SMS 'Maggie'...

I found myself watching tonight's episode of Australian Idol- the 80's edition. Mainly because these were the songs that I grew up with. And some of the contestants were very good. Until the last guy, who raced through 'Eye of the Tiger' at 100kph. I thought he was committing Idol suicide by doing that. It lacked any feeling. It wasn't something I'd listen to again. But the audience loved it. And so did the judges, with the comment that this was for the 21st century. Man, I really must be old! It stank. But I'm sure that if Bart watched it. He would have said it was 'mad' or 'sweet'.


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